Destination Featured NewsJanuary 7, 2024

Spain’s Emergence as a Muslim-Friendly Destination

Spain has once again become a Muslim-friendly haven for Muslim tourists with halal tourism thriving in the country.

Spain and the heritage of Al-Andalus are a significant source of Muslim pride. Majority of the travelers opt to travel to the region of Andalucía as it offers Muslim-friendly spaces and Islam-oriented tourist plans.

In Spain, certain products and services have the Halal Certification awarded by the Halal Institute, which guarantees that they meet the requirements demanded under Islamic law. This certification is particularly associated with food products but is increasingly being awarded to hotels, restaurants, cosmetic companies, Arab baths, etc. 

Spain’s tourism industry greatly benefits from visitors coming from Muslim-majority countries. According to a recent report, Turkey, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia are among the top 25 countries whose residents visited Spain in 2022.

According to the Spanish Halal Institute, many Muslims coming from the Western countries are not accounted for in the statistics – meaning that the actual percentage of Muslim visitors is even greater. The percentage is expected to rise with the developments of halal tourism in the country.