Featured FoodJune 12, 2023

Edmonton’s first Halal Ribfest

Edmonton held its first-ever Halal Ribfest over the weekend, featuring delicious ribs that adhere to Muslim dietary guidelines. The event, which is a popular summer tradition in the province, aimed to provide a full and inclusive experience for Muslims who have often been unable to enjoy the food at similar festivals due to their dietary restrictions.

Reema Siddiqi, a member of the organizing committee, expressed the motivation behind the Halal Ribfest, stating that Muslims have attended festivals repeatedly but haven’t been able to fully participate. The event was designed to create a family-friendly, safe environment that caters to the dietary needs of Muslims, with strict guidelines ensuring no pork or alcohol was present.

While the Halal Ribfest was primarily aimed at the Muslim community, it was open to everyone who wanted to indulge in the mouthwatering chicken and beef ribs. Local food trucks also participated, adding to the diverse culinary offerings available.

The success of last year’s launch in Toronto, which attracted visitors from across North America specifically for the halal ribs, demonstrated the demand for such events. As a result, the Halal Ribfest is set to take place in 20 cities throughout North America over the course of the year.

The Edmonton event took place at Winston Churchill Square until Sunday at 9 p.m., and the next Canadian stop will be in Calgary starting on June 16th.